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About this wiki...
In 2007, I was teaching graduate classes in educational technology at the University of Alaska Anchorage. Since the wiki interface has become much more simplified with a lower learning curve (smile), I wanted to allow students the opportunity to share their insight and knowledge in our community of learners by providing them the means to socially construct knowledge using technology. After carving out this space (thanks to the good people at PB Works! At that time it was "PB Wiki"), I began creating the structure or shell so all of the learners could add their short definitions and links. In order to apply learning theory, the students had to offer a strategy for how this technology tool could be used in an educational or training context. Most, but not all, of the tools are FREE and CROSS-PLATFORM.
I am very pleased with the outcomes! This wiki is updated frequently and helps educators with making sense of the many available technologies. Your comments and submissions are welcome! Email: apage [at] alaskapacific.edu (Note: Just substitute the [at] with the "@" symbol as this was used to prevent spam spybots from harvesting my email address.
G. Andrew Page, Ph.D 
Coordinator of Online Learning
Alaska Pacific University
May 2011
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