  • If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.

  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



Page history last edited by G. Andy Page 7 years, 2 months ago

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C = Cacoo

This free web tool is an online drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site maps, wire frames, and network charts. Diagrams can be created for online documents such as bolgs or Wikis. Numerous users can work on and complete the same diagram simultaneously. KD

In a classroom: How?

Individuals or multiple group members can collaborate online to edit and complete a single diagram and then post to a class wiki.  This would be ideal for story webs or a prewriting brainstorming exercise.  (Submitted by KD)

C = CaptionTube

This website requires a google account set up and requires you to have your videos uploaded to YouTube. Quickly add text captions to your videos OR create captions for videos you don't own and email them to the owner. Allows you to create more than one track.

In a classroom: How?

  Used for the hearing impaired. Have students translate their videos in another language.

C = Carrot Sticks

Carrot Sticks is an online program that allows students to practice basic math skills including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The website has you create an avatar that you use to go online and access the program. You can also challenge other players online, and obtaining an account is entirely free. The layout is aesthetically pleasing and user friendly. I made my own avatar really quickly and got sucked in right away! As you go through problems you earn "carrots" that you can use to get rewards and a math achievement certificate. 

In a classroom: How?

This can be used for students to practice basic math skills. It's a more interactive and digital version of basic flashcards.  (Contributed by Sasha) 


C = ChitChat

A free, social discovery communication app where teachers can make class pages, build assignments and share lesson plans. 

In a classroom: How?

          What about teachers using chit-chat to compare lesson plans?

C = Collaboration Tools

There are several new and impressive suites of tools available on the Internet that allow people to meet or collaborate online.  A very impressive one is WIGGIO (at http://www.wiggio.com).  This site was built around the need for people to be able to coordinate schedules, files, and projects simply and all in one location.  It can be set to send email and cell phone text message reminders and even schedules conference calls!  Calendars can be combined and synced with personal calendars in Google or Outlook.  Even though this site was only released to the public in mid September 2008, the developers are already at work adding additional tools and features.  It is relatively easy to learn, and each feature has a 1-2 minute tutorial video to show you all about it.  Members must be in high school or older.  Watch the video below to learn more. 

In a classroom: How? 

The site is designed to help members of a group keep all the files together.  It can keep numerous versions of the same file organized, so members can keep track of all the changes when creating a collaborative report.  Group members can share files, store files, organize information, and even edit online.  Individual components of a report can be stored together and then merged or combined.  It is multi-platform for storage and has unlimited storage capacity for group files.  It is an ideal way for team members to collaborate over the Internet.

Here is the presentation I created (approx 7 mins). (Contributed by Debbi Canavan)


Also, watch the video here: http://www.screencast.com/t/ToEOfZdvpP

C =Crocodoc

This site allows users to post  PDFs, Word Documents, PowerPoint Presentations, etc. to one location where multiple users can view and edit the document online. Users can collaborate making changes and comments for others to see. For  a fee, the documents can be held in a secure (confidential) cloud-based location that can expedite the collaborative workflow. (Submitted by KD) 

In a classroom: How? 

This site would allow students a cyber place to collaborate online and review and peer edit documents.  



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